Thursday 1 November 2018


Historical Place in Malaysia - MAHSURI'S TOMB, LANGKAWI

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     Malaysia has many historical places since decades ago due to achieve its own freedom from the colonialists. The popular one is Mahsuri’s tomb (Makam Mahsuri) which is located in Mawat Village in Langkawi and it is an attraction of Padang Matsirat to the people.

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Mahsuri's Tomb
     The core of the tale has remained still and the history believed to be true by all the locals. The famous legend started with the alluring princess named Mahsuri. She got married with a warrior during the time of conflict with Siamese. However, her husband had to go for a war and leave her alone for a long time. It was stated in history that because of jealousy for her beauty, her mother-in-law charged her had an affair with a storyteller.

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Illustration on how Mahsuri was killed.

     Mahsuri defended herself, trying to prove she has been slandered but there was to no avail and the villagers sentenced her to death. She was tied standing in front of all people and has been stabbed. It was said in the story that she bled white blood, prove of her innocence. Before Mahsuri die, she cursed Langkawi of bad luck for seven generations long.

After that, the island gets captivated by Siamese including Kedah. Langkawi at the moment tried their best to save the place by attacking them. This can be seen in nearby Padang Matsirat itself, The Field of Burnt Rice where a fire occurred back then in the bout.

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Burnt Rice at Padang Matsirat
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Example of Burnt Rice
     As time passing by, Langkawi become a better island. The place where Mahsuri died was changed into a historical site for society. Not only the tomb, there is also a traditional Malay house, a theatre and also museum which displays Mahsuri’s things such as jewellery and the weapon used to kill her before. Large dioramas have been created by the expert artists to portray the story of Mahsuri. In addition, a well has been found at the tomb and is said can protect those who put their hands into it with charm.
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Mahsuri's Well in Langkawi

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House that keeps Mahsuri's jewellery and weapon

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One of the illustration in the museum

Cultural performances also will be held in the complex on every Friday and Saturday.

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Cultural performance in Makam Mahsuri

Below is the further information about Makam Mahsuri:

Admission Fee
Adult: RM10 (foreign tourists)
Children (age 3-12): RM5 (foreign tourists)
*Free entry for Malaysian/local

Open hours (daily)
Weekdays: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Weekend: 8 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.

Location & Contacts
Makam Mahsuri’s
Jalan Makam Mahsuri, Kampung Mawat, Mukim Ulu Melaka.
Phone contact: +604-955 6055

Below is a video of Mahsuri's Tomb in Langkawi.

That is all for today. Thank you for your time.
Stay tune for the next blog. 

Asian Itinery. (2014, December 1). Langkawi - the legend of Mahsuri - Asian Itinerary. Retrieved November 1, 2018, from
Bhattacharya, R. (2018). Mahsuri's Tomb & Cultural Center, Langkawi. Retrieved November 1, 2018, from
Bhattacharya, R. (2018). Field of burnt rice (Beras Terbakar) Langkawi. Retrieved from
FindBulous Travel. (2016). Makam Mahsuri - Historical place - Kedah | TravelMalaysia. Retrieved from
Lunlaaangun. (2012, August 22). THE CURSE 7 LIFETIMES LEGEND OF LANGKAWI , MALAYSIA. Retrieved from
Naturally Langkawi. (2018). Myth and Legends – Naturally Langkawi. Retrieved from (2018). Warisan Budaya Malaysia : Sastera Rakyat. Retrieved from
Tengku Halbert. (2017, August 3). Hayati Kisah Sejarah Mahsuri di Kota Mahsuri Langkawi. Retrieved November 1, 2018, from
Wong, P. (2018). Mahsuri's Tomb in Langkawi - Padang Matsirat Attractions. Retrieved November 1, 2018, from

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Historical Place in Malaysia - MAHSURI'S TOMB, LANGKAWI